Friday, January 29, 2010

Small update

I worked on Mturk for a bit last night and made $3.00. Not that bad, I think I spent about 30 minutes on there. I did really good on Treasure Trooper last night, made $6.05. I am less than $4 away from my 60$ goal this month.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Amazon Mturk

I have found Amazon Mturk, and have been doing a bit of work on it. So far I have made $6.51 in the past 3 days.

Mturk is where you do small assignments for money ranging from $.01 to $22.00. $22 is the highest I've seen, but it could go higher. The assignments, or HITs as Mturk calls them, are very easy.

What I like best about earning the money on Mturk is that you have the option to spend it at I made a purchase and was able to use the money I earned immediately during check out. You also have the option to deposit it into your bank account or put it on an Amazon gift card.

New Blog

I started a new blog. specifically to record my earnings on Treasure Trooper. It's called "Trooping for Treasure". I have been doing very good with Treasure Trooper and have earned $50.15 for the month so far.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Whoops, It's Been Awhile

Well, I guess I am a very bad blogger. It's been like a month since I last posted. I have given up on Cashcrate, not because I can't make money on it, but because I found a different site. I now do Treasure Trooper. I have actively been doing it for about 2 weeks and am at $37. The best thing is I do about an hour a night while watching TV. Not bad if I say so myself.